Küchen Komposter Bokashi. Aber vorsicht, der eimer sollte gut belüftet sein und gerüche. Similar units sell for over $60, and since we were going to buy the cat.
KüchenkomposterSet "Bokashi". 2 Eimer plus Bokashi from www.pinterest.com
This link will take you to an in depth look at the pros and cons of bokashi composting. After a few weeks your waste can be added to a conventional compost heap or bin, or dug straight into the ground. In diesem video zeigen wir euch, was wir mit unseren küchenabfällen anstellen.
Homemade Bokashi (Kitchen Composter) Bokashi Is A Japanese Name Referring To Intensive Composting.
2 eimer grau/grün 16 liter inkl. Aber vorsicht, der eimer sollte gut belüftet sein und gerüche. Veškerá energie a živiny tak zůstávají uvnitř.
The Fun Begins Once The Organic Material Goes In The Ground
Bokashi composting efficiently handles all food wastes, even meats and dairy, in as little as four weeks. When the bucket is full, seal and leave it in a warm place 10 days, a bit longer [14 days] in the winter. In stage one scraps are fermented or pickled.
Eimermaße H X B X L:
Reduzierung des biomülls um bis zu 25%: In stage two they are buried in a shallow hole. This link will take you to an in depth look at the pros and cons of bokashi composting.
1 Liter Em Aktiv Von Dimikro.
Mit edelstahlteilen, die langlebig und rostbeständig sind. Díky vzduchotěsnému víku je kompostéru zamezen přístup vzduchu a nešíří se tak žádný zápach. 2 x küchen kompostbehälter, richtrolle, 2 x abtropfsieb, dosierbehälter, 1 kg streu, 2 x deckel, 2 x hahn, topf.
Bokashi Composting Quickly And Easily Converts Food Waste Into Highly Productive Compost.
The bokashi ferments [pickles] the om so there is no foul odor. Mit leistungsstarken motoren, die selbst die härtesten lebensmittel in kürzester zeit bearbeiten. The new, sophisticated bokashi kitchen compost bin sensei enables the simple, clean and odourless fermentation of organic waste and recycling as plant fertiliser in your own household.